Sunday, July 03, 2011

Salon De Refuses

So, this year I actually got reminded in time to enter the Lawndale Big Show. I was not accepted, though I'm glad I got off my but and entered. I did get into the rejected art show at the M Squared gallery in the Heights. I think that it wasa great idea, and I got to meet several people.

This is the piece I entered:

This is a crayon drawing on 22 x 34 inch paper. While working on the enginehead diptychs I also created several crayon drawings which followed the paintings -- except the engines were not attached to the person's neck. While looking at different chainsaws for the painting I was struck by how much this brand reminded me of a baby bird head. In this painting I'm looking at not only a quick job, but the way in which that activity has affected the environment. No limb for the nest.

Final enginehead Diptych

These are the most recent enginehead pieces. With them I feel that I've completed my exploration of finding "engines" that fit personalities. Although I do intend to continue with the enginehead series I am looking at working more with the figure in the next set.

Finished Steam Engine. I wanted to talk about those people that need pressure in order to work. The pressure of multiple tasks and deadlines perhaps, or the pressure that comes from internal and external influences working against one another. This piece is actually very bright and yellow. Unfortunately, the color did not capture so well.

Finished AC Motor. Here I wanted to talk about weighing decisions constantly -- looking at both sides in order to find the solution.

enginehead evolution

These next two paintings were the first I've done in this new style. I'm happy with the results so far.

Finished Sewing Machine. The sewing engine as it is represents the connecting and brining together of separate objects into a whole. A personality that is precise and collects things into a consistent whole.
Finished Chainsaw. This engine I chose to represent the drive to achieve at all cost and in all speed the task at hand. The easily bored and rather sloppy behavior that can come on as a task begins to drag.

Finished Paintings Finally Posted

These two paintings are from the enginehead series. In this series I am approaching the emotional and intellectual forces that drive human action as an externalized motor. In these paintings I was trying to represent the character of the person through their motor as well.

Finished Boat Motor. The first large painting from the enginehead series. I designed this series to be done as diptychs. The Boat Motor and the Windmill being the first. Although I like both paintings individually, I don't believe they worked out as a diptych. I will most likely re paint these again in the future. The boat motors in this painting represent the self-destructive force of addiction. For though the motors want to be in the water, the water will eventually corrode them.

Finished Windmill. Of the enginehead series I did for school last semester, this was one of the toughest. As a windmill does not have an engine per se, I envisioned a pump for the head. As an antithesis to the Boat Motor's addiction, this painting was focused on the care of other, and transfer of one's own benefit (the wind) to the action of care.