Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Happy Halloween

Oh No! Somewhere in New Jersey!!! It's Halloween!

If I was fuzzy and scaly and kinda fat and had big teeth and glowing eyes would you still luv me? hahaha

Wednesday Night Life Drawing

Amanda did a great job modeling tonight. Here's what I got.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Wednesday Night Life Drawing

This was an all crayon sketch night. My goal was to get every pose, and find something to use in a larger crayon piece.

First image of the night. Liked the movement, might be worth a larger scale.

This one was pretty funny. ran out of time on it, the head really unfinished

This ended up being to cropped I think. And it was hard to get it dark enough (didn't want to use black on it).

I liked this one a lot. Again, ran out of time, and it's a bit to light but would work in a bigger version.

Believe it or else, this is not pencil. It's crayon. black white and gray, but crayon.

This one was very interesting because of the shadows. I'll need to set this up again. The figure looks out, the bottom shadow looks down, the top shadow looks up (good noses on shadows too)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

New Model

YAY, yellow chair! This pose actually had really great lighting. I think I should've gone black and white on it.

Didn't really want to post this, but I try to be honest. This wasn't working, but I'm gonna work on it some more. I should've started with the hands.

Quick sketches. Good poses last night!

I think this is my favorite of the night. It really captured the model.

This is my second favorite. I wish the paper was a little longer, and the pose too. I had a lot of problems with paper this night. I kept using newsprint, and I just cant erase like I'm used to on it. I was planning to remove a lot of color from this one, but nevermind.

This is third favorite, simply because I ran out of time and didn't get it as finished as I could have. It's a really good start though (I think).

Thursday, September 17, 2009


These are pics of the postcards I'm submitting to the Elder Street Gallery show in October.

Monday, August 17, 2009

and in paint

This may come back again later, though not like this. Here's the painting based on the sketch. Sometimes I loose all detail on these 6 inch paintings :(.

Anyway, though no one may want it, I promised an explanation to go with the painting. To put it simply its about disconnected emotions. Disconnected in the fact that the target may not be something that you can attach directly to the emotion. Hence shadowy forms. The basic emotion (haha) we boil down to in this process is confusion.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fire Hoses

I'll let you guys think about it. It's probably not what you're thinking. Though it's prolly just crazy.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Day One 08/13/2009

Here is a sketch for a portrait I will be working on as soon as the model gets here.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wednesday Night Life Drawing

Here are the sketches from tonight's Life Drawing.

This is our model Wes. Wish I had more time on the hands. Wes was a very charactered model, as you can see below.

Wes, as a worried Samuel L. Jackson

Wes, from Cats (Thunder Cats that is).
Zoinks! There's ghosts in that theater! And, Wes as Shaggy.
These were some of the final sketches, where Wes tried to portray a mob surrounding a pink bull (thanks to the National G).

Monday, August 10, 2009

The Bees

After listening to a report on bees, I was inspired to try this for today's Day One painting.

Sunday, August 09, 2009

Day One Again

I'm trying to start it again. I've got lots of little pieces of masonite ready to go. For those that don't remember this belongs to my series of paintings all executed at one sitting. I'm going to try to do one a day during the week. Enjoy

Finished Painting from Life Drawing

Ok, finished being a relative term. I'm finished because I don't want to go any farther with it. The more I work certain parts, the less cohesive the whole painting is. I love the sketched out figure, and just wish my phone took better pictures in low light.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Wednesday Night Life Drawing

Here are the pieces from Life Drawing tonight. I was kinda surprised how much I got done, and how many people turned out. It was a great night :)

Ah, crayons.

I think this was my favorite

I wanted to do more with this, but that's a hard pose to hold.

This was actually the first drawing of the night

I love the color and movement, needs a little more work though

This is just the beginning, but it was fun to be painting

I guess this one worked, the model took it home. :)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

In Prep for new Collage Portrait

Here's a quick snapshot of the underpainting for my next collage portrait. Instead of magazines, I'm painting the collage. Below are some of the photos I took at the beach for the collage.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Wednesday Night Art Group

Tonight was our Wednesday Night Art Group (non-model session).  I was originally going to get everyone to choose partners and draw each others faces.  Unfortunately, not enough people showed up.  Below are examples I did of some people who did show.

This was my attempt at my friend Charlie.  I think it looks more like the lead singer from the Talking Heads myself, but I am very happy with the drawing anyway.

This did not start out as a portrait.  It became a portrait of Ron who was drawing me at the same time.

The following are some sketches I did while being the model for Charlie and Ron.